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Augmented Reality in Jewelry

Augment Reality has came a long way since its invention, now almost every industry is using Augment Reality. Same in the Case of Retail and Marketing. Some exclusive brands like De Beers, Forever mark, Tacori and Boucheron have already implemented augmented reality in Jewelry and have begun making the profits.

Why use augmented reality in Jewelry?


One of the main objective of any marketing is to create a better brand awareness. With the help of AR, Customer can gain deeper knowledge about the product,  Thus, a better brand awareness.

Whenever, we talk about Jewellery industry, its all about presentation, how well you can show off your product. Let’s take an example of Product Catalogue :
Here, With the Help of  AR any Customer having smartphone installed with AR APP can turn every items of catalogs into 3D animated models.

With AR, Shop Owner can better Showcase their products,  . People only have to point their phones/mobile devices onto the showcases and gain extra information related (size, weight, 4Cs, etc.) by displaying Jewelry items through the shopping glass.

Enhancing customer experiences

One of the main Struggle on a Customer, is to visualize, the product, how would it look like, will it suit me?…

The scheme “try before buy” is a great fit for online shopping if paired with AR and offer a chance to do it virtually at home or anywhere else. Jewelry AR apps allow user data collection which then can be used to personalize sale offers or adjust the marketing strategy.

Business efficiency

With the ever-growing number of smartphones users, many physical stores struggle to stay in the game due to high rent and online merchants need not to worry about that. Apps can reach much wider audiences than conventional ads on billboards, TV, radio, etc. Whereas AR boosts sales and attracts interest, as simple as that. Purchases are just a few clicks away.

Some Examples of Jewellery Apps

Here are some examples of Jewellery Apps, Which Use AR technology :-

Say Yes!
This app is available in the App Store for iPhone/iPad and offers a wide range of engagement and wedding rings.  It uses hand recognition to scan the hand and with AR virtually puts a ring on it and can even move ring to any other finger only by pressing on it. It has the ability to share the final look of the hand with a ring on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest or via e-mail.

The app helps to browse, choose and try on Jewelry. It has a selection of over 300 rings featured in Amazon and Kobelli edition, with full description, size and price range for all items in the app and comes with a unique ‘Try On’ function utilizing hand scanning AR tech.